Title: An existing seaside small tourist unit for sale consisting of 9 studio-type rooms on a plot of 2,000.00 sq.m with the possibility of extension in the area of Tsoutsoura South of Heraklion, Crete. Country Greece
Tsoutsouras - Perfecture of Heraklion
Title: An existing seaside small tourist unit for sale consisting of 9 studio-type rooms on a plot of 2,000.00 sq.m with the possibility of extension in the area of Tsoutsoura South of Heraklion, Crete. Country Greece Selling price 1,500,000.00 euros. Price negotiable.Recommended for golden visa.
PLOT LOCATION: 34.987579, 25.295297
General characteristics
• The distance of the unit from the Sea is approximately 70 m. Due to the high touristic demand of the area, given the new International Airport that will be completed in 3 years in Kastelli - Pediados, which will be located at a distance of approximately 20 kilometers from the property, the apartments are in great demand for reservations.
• Specifically, the apartments are distributed in 3 different buildings with a total construction area of 450.00 sq.m.
• They have been built on a plot of 2,000.00 sq.m. with the possibility of expansion.
• It has a beautifully designed environment with a barbecue and a refreshment bar-cafeteria for the patrons of the rooms.
• The buildings have been erected with a building permit
Property exploitation possibility: At Second Chance company recommends the specific property for:
• Investments. Renovating the existing rooms and expanding the unit creating additional rooms for tourist use. Due to the high tourist demand in the area, given the new International Airport that will be completed in 5 years in Kastelli - Pediados, which will be located at a distance of approximately 20 kilometers from the property, the apartments will be in great demand in bookings.
Area Description
Tsoutsouras is located 63 km south of the city of Heraklion, at the exit of the imposing gorges of Mitris and Tsoutsouras. The area is well organized and developed touristically, but it does not cease to be a destination for very quiet family holidays.
In front of the village there is the small port of the area. East and west of the port are two large leeward bays with a total length of 2 km, with coarse sand and clear sea. The beach is a little organized with umbrellas, but also quite a few tamarisk trees. It is an ideal place to use as a base for trips to the surrounding beaches. For isolation, one can walk to the east, to the area of Limniara, with its rocks and small ponds. In Limniara there is a sea cave, known to the locals as Purgonero. Swimming in Tsoutsouros has been considered medicinal and therapeutic since ancient times. According to the locals, several doctors recommend swimming in Tsoutsouras for those with musculoskeletal and orthopedic problems.
(The translation was done from google translate)